
Herausgeber/-in Gerhard Jarms Herausgeber/-in André Morandini
World Atlas of Jellyfish [Quallen-Atlas]
Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg, Special Volume
827 pages
1250 colour pictures and distribution maps
revised English edition
eBook im fixed EPUB-Format 3.0
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Apple Books Store (Downloadlink)
ISBN 10: 3-86218-157-X ISBN 13: 978-3-86218-157-5 49.99 € März 2023
This »Atlas« is a unique overview summarizing our knowledge on the world’s jellyfish in all their facets. It is of importance not only for scientists worldwide, but also a source of fascination for divers and lovers of marine life. Corresponding to its far-reaching relevance and to the internationality of contributing authors the volume is written in English. The revised eBook version contains minor corrections and an index.
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